Virgin Tribute: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance Read online

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  Quickly she donned a pair of comfortable, stretchy pants that clung to her legs and grabbed a bra and an oversized bulky knit sweater. She smiled as she realized there was no footwear and even the boots she had been wearing the day before were nowhere to be seen. She wandered over to the edge of the room and looked out the wall of windows. She could see everything—the ruins of the city, Mount Rainier, Mount Baker, the Olympic and Cascade Ranges, and Elliott Bay. It was dizzying to be up this high.

  She left the bedroom and went back into his main living space. Realizing she was hungry, she located the kitchen. Attached to the refrigerator was a note addressed to her:


  You need to eat and keep your body hydrated.

  You may have all the meat, cheese, fruit, vegetables, and water you want.

  You are limited to either one juice or cup of coffee per day.

  I am unavailable today, but will return tonight and will

  breed you again.

  I have left you unrestrained but you are not to venture off the main

  living floor. The stairwell, elevator, and observation deck/garden

  are forbidden to you unless you have been given permission to

  access them.

  Failure to obey me, or trying to deny me, will be punished.


  Charming, thought Raegan as she opened the fridge. I’ll damn well eat or drink whatever the fuck I want. At least he didn’t sign it as the Protector. Drake seems like a nice name for a real sonofabitch. Don’t really plan to use it as I won’t be here, she thought to herself.

  Raegan was amazed at the array of food contained in his refrigerator. The meat and fish didn’t surprise her as he supplied both to those at the Sanctuary. But the selection of vegetables and fruits was vast. She was quite sure no one had seen such a bounty since the plague. She made herself a meat, cheese, and fruit plate to nibble on while she found containers for things she could take with her when she left. One of the things she’d seen in the closet was a smaller duffle into which she intended to carry a change of clothes, socks, food, and any gear that might be useful for a weapon or to help in her escape.

  Because of her reading she knew many things about the Needle. She knew there was a staircase and an elevator system. Obviously, Drake had secured the elevator system and most likely had blockaded the stairwell. As he could fly, he wouldn’t need either to come to and from his home. She had to admit it was an ingenious place to choose. It had been built and remodeled to withstand hurricane-force winds, earthquakes, volcanic explosions, and tsunamis. With very little effort he would have been able to seal off the only two entrances. She racked her brain to remember the superstructure and whether or not she might be able to use it to climb down. She felt that her best bet was the stairs.

  Going back into the closet, she searched for anything she might be able to use as footwear. She found a pair of soft moccasins. They were too big in the foot area, but if she rolled the toes up and secured them, she could use some of the leather binding material to give them a snug fit. It didn’t take her but a few minutes to get them done. She found a collection of knives in one of the dresser drawers and took a large one to wear at her waist and a smaller one to conceal up her sleeve. She also found cording and leather strips that she figured might come in handy.

  Raegan returned to the kitchen and collected the food stuffs she could carry—dried meats as well as dehydrated fruits and vegetables. She took several bottles of water, as well as a charcoal filter she found to purify water. She also found a nut pick and figured that might come in handy when dealing with locks.

  Smiling, she flipped Drake’s note over and left him one of her own in the same spot.


  I hate to eat and run, but tribute has

  to do what tribute has to do. You

  and the Sanctuary can go fuck yourselves

  or each other. It makes no difference to me.

  Do me one tiny favor in return for stealing

  my virginity? If you decide to kill the members

  of the Sanctuary? Kill Elder Stanley first.


  Raegan began her search for the access to the stairwell. She could find no door in any of the walls. She then began a systematic search of the floor and found it under a rug... a locked trap door. Picking the lock, she pulled it open and began her descent down a metal ladder. The ladder was shaky but seemed secure. She was buffeted by the wind that blew all around her, but could see that a platform to the staircase could be accessed. She made it down the ladder and onto the platform. She figured she still must be several hundred feet up in the sky. The platform was metal grating and had no handrails. She felt very unsteady as she crossed the few feet from ladder to staircase. It took her a moment to pick the lock of the door giving her entrance to the staircase, but once inside she took a moment to catch her breath and steady her nerves. Shaking off her residual fear, she began the slow climb down the staircase. It took her well over an hour, and at this time of year, she could see she only had a few hours of daylight remaining.

  Raegan made her way back toward holy ground. She knew from her reading that Seattle had once had an elevated train that ran for close to a mile back into the city. She believed her best bet might be to go inland to the ruins of the once great city. She was sure it was populated with mutants, but also thought there might still be some small groups of humans. She had no plan to stay with any group for any length of time. Her plan was to make it out into the forests or mountains and find a place where she could create her own home and be answerable to no one.

  * * *

  The day’s fishing had been good. Drake had been able to tell that a large school of salmon would be running. He had made a good haul and was pleased as salmon kept well both frozen and dried into jerky. Several times he had been tempted to return home and breed Raegan again. She had been worth the extra effort to take her as tribute. She had a temper and appeared to be fearless. He would have to teach her that punishment for any disobedience would be swift and appropriate to the level of her defiance.

  Fucking her had been a surprise. Not only had he enjoyed her response to the coupling, but his barbs had activated when she wasn’t openly in heat. Normally before a woman was in estrous, they would merely lightly scrape the interior of the woman’s cunt. It wasn’t overly painful and the mild aphrodisiac they secreted seemed to make most women amenable to the idea of future coupling. All the other tributes had found the rut difficult to endure not because it was overly painful, but because the constant onslaught of his need to mate left them sore, especially as the barbs would begin to imbed themselves in the soft flesh of their womanhood.

  He would have to examine Raegan more closely. Her response had aroused him and caused him to want to fuck her hard and long before he was actually in rut. He saw no reason not to indulge that desire as she was his to do with as he wanted. If she had behaved while he was gone, he might allow her to couple with him face to face and might even allow her a pillow under her punished bottom.

  He smiled, remembering looking at her bottom this morning as she slept. It showed vivid evidence of his punishment. He remembered all too well how her backside had responded to his spanking, bouncing and quivering under his touch as color bloomed from the impact of his hand against it. Her squirming over his knee and rubbing herself on his cock had been most pleasurable. If she had failed to heed his warning, he would make her wish she had.

  Drake landed on what had once been the observation deck of his home. He had transformed it by making raised gardens in which to grow his fruit and vegetables. There was very little Drake needed from the surrounding land, with the exception of fish and game. He had his own water filtration and rain collection systems as well as solar panels and two small wind turbines that were more than capable of producing all of the energy they would need. He shook his head and wondered when he had begun to think of an actual future with Raegan... or an actual future at all.

He had long known he wanted an actual mate and desired to have offspring that he could watch grow. But as one of those who had brought about the great plague, he had worked for years in his laboratory to try to find some kind of cure or relief for those afflicted. Drake believed he had narrowed down the cause of the genetic mutation that had caused so much suffering and would be able to synthesize a cure if he could collect DNA from a mutant/human cross child.

  He was already allowing himself to believe that Raegan may well be the source of that child. He laughed, certainly his cock felt that way. Merely thinking of her was enough to make his cock become hard and the barbs along the lower end of his shaft erect. No doubt in his mind if he couldn’t get Raegan to conceive during this first quarter, he would keep her until she did. But he figured as often as he intended to breed her, especially once she was in estrous and he was in rut, she would settle quickly.

  Drake prepared the fish for curing and cut numerous fillets to be frozen for their use. He would need to stockpile fish and game for when he went into rut. He had no intention of leaving her side for even a moment and meant to mate with her as often and as hard as he could. He smiled, remembering how last night, even with her not in estrous, the barbs had sunk into her flesh and he had deposited his seed deep within her. From the little amount of his cum that had leaked out of her, he knew the furrows had done their job, not only by increasing her libido and the strength and number of her orgasms, but by creating a place to trap his semen so that it could do its job.

  He reached down and stroked his hardening shaft. He meant to fuck her as soon as he was done. They could eat afterwards and before he settled her in their bed to mate with her as often as he could. To help bring her into heat as soon and strongly as possible, he would deposit his cum within her in other ways. He meant to fuck her mouth, shooting a strong stream down her throat and into her belly, and to fuck her ass on a regular basis. Granted neither would impregnate her, but he had found the more ways he introduced the pheromones and displays of his dominance over a woman, the sooner she came into estrous and the harder and longer he could rut with her. He also planned to make use of his knowledge that scent was a powerful aphrodisiac for both males and females.

  By the time he had finished what needed doing and had cleaned up, his cock and balls were as hard as he had ever known them to be. This year’s tribute would not be a chore to breed. In fact, he was very hopeful she would be the last tribute needed. He would continue to protect the Sanctuary and when the time came that the sons and daughters he sired needed mates, they would once again demand tribute.

  Drake took the elevator down to the main living quarters. The minute the doors opened he knew... Raegan was gone!

  Chapter Five

  Drake searched the entire floor until he found her means of escape. He had to give her credit for ingenuity and courage. He would make her regret having used either. He made note that she had taken food stuffs as well as things to use for weapons and to create what she needed. His mate was resourceful as well as intelligent. Drake climbed down the ladder and secured the door leading to the stairwell. He then climbed back up and did the same to the trap door. He would work tomorrow on locks designed not only to keep others out, but Raegan in. Of course, he thought, shrugging his massive shoulders, it would be difficult for her to do anything shackled to the bed. Drake planned to secure the door at the bottom of the stairwell once he had flown down.

  He returned to the deck and had the auto lift panel raise. He shifted into the beast and took off, flying directly to the ground beneath his home. He shifted back to his human form and worked quickly to reinforce and lock it securely. He shifted back once again and roared his anger and lust. He was quickly airborne and began making ever expanding circles, watching the ground below. The sun was setting when he finally spotted her. She was just exiting off of the monorail. Clever girl. Taking the elevated track had kept her beyond the reach of most mutants. However, many predators would lie in wait at the other end. Beating his wings to give him speed, he flew to protect her and bring her home... where there would be no one to protect her from him.

  * * *

  Raegan heard the Protector’s roar. Obviously, he had discovered she was no longer there and was none too happy about that. Too bad; she was going to make her own way in this brave new world. She had descended the stairs from the monorail and was trying to decide in which direction to go when she heard movement from all around her. Before anything could appear, she heard the flapping of great wings only momentarily before Drake landed in the clearing. His beast roared as he wrapped his tail around her to prevent her from leaving. Out of the overgrowth came a pack of mutants—ugly salivating things. They walked upright, but only barely and most resembled a hyena crossed with a human. They were armed with crude machetes and spears. The pack quickly surrounded them on three sides and Drake backed her against one of the monorail’s pilings and released her.

  One of the hyenas sprang forward, brandishing his spear. Drake’s massive paw with its razor-sharp claws sliced through the air, destroying the spear and ripping the thing’s throat out. Several of them surged forward and Raegan watched as he fought them off. But there were so many. Raegan was unsure whether the monster that she’d been given to would be able to defeat the freaks all around them. It occurred to her with Drake busy defending himself and the hyenas focused on bringing Drake down, she had an excellent opportunity to slip away.

  Raegan ducked behind the piling and began to make her way back to holy ground. If she could stay there undetected until she could formulate a plan and figure out her next move, she should be relatively safe. None of the mutants should touch her there. She would need to be able to figure out how to find water and forage for food until she was forced to leave, but it seemed to be her safest bet. One step off holy ground and she would become prey.

  She could hear the fight between Drake and the hyenas raging on. She told herself Drake was not her concern. After all, she had not wanted to be the Chosen One. She was beating back the last of the dense foliage that surrounded the concrete space when she heard him bellow. It did not sound like a roar of victory.

  Without another thought, Raegan reversed course and ran back to the site of the battle. The hyenas had managed to surround him and one, obviously their leader, came forward with a rusty machete to challenge him. Raegan scooped up one of the broken spears lying on the ground and launched herself at the challenger’s back. She leaped into the air and came down with the spear, driving it through the spot where his neck met his back, severing the spinal cord and plunging it into his heart.

  Raegan flung the thing toward its pack members and picked up another spear, waving and thrusting it at the others. Seeing that the Protector no longer fought alone and that his companion was a formidable opponent as well, they retreated, slinking back into the overgrowth and away from Drake and Raegan.

  Raegan heard the beating of strong wings, before his claws folded around her and he sought the safety of the sky.

  She struggled to get away from him, but all that resulted from her effort was his tightening his grip. He roared again to the sky, only this time she could tell it was in triumph. He returned to their home... no, she thought, not their home. The flight to the Needle was accomplished more quickly than her departure.

  As they approached the panel, Raegan saw it raise so that he could fly in. He dropped her none too gently on the decking. He landed between her and the panel as it rolled back down into place. She watched as he shifted and noticed that again his cock was completely erect. She idly wondered if that was because of the adrenaline rush from finding her and snatching her up or was it simply a byproduct of shifting.

  “You foolish girl. What were you thinking?” he thundered.

  “Like the note said, I was thinking I didn’t want to be here and I’d leave. And you’re welcome by the way. Any chance you stopped by the Sanctuary and killed Elder Stanley?”

  “No. Elder Stanley has done nothing wrong. You,
on the other hand, have wantonly and willfully disobeyed me, and will be punished for it as soon as I’m through.”

  “Through with what?” she challenged.

  “This,” he said, indicating his engorged cock.

  Raegan was mesmerized. There was something about him that fascinated and aroused her in the deepest portion of her soul. The fact that her system was pumping enormous amounts of adrenaline due to the fight wasn’t helping her control her libido. Drake reached for her, fisting her hair and pushing her to the bench that went around the observation deck. He put her in the position of leaning on her hands on the bench as he moved behind her. He pulled her leggings down past her knees and reached between her legs, shoving two fingers into her pussy. Raegan couldn’t help but moan as he laughed and withdrew his fingers.

  “Apparently I didn’t so much steal your virginity last night as relieve you of its burden.”

  Without another word, he gripped her hips and thrust his hard cock between her legs. Raegan’s knees almost buckled from the incredible pleasure she derived feeling him mount her and drive home.

  Drake’s hips pistoned back and forth, thrusting his cock in and out of her with power and speed. She could feel the barbs scraping her again. In the rational part of her mind she knew that she should be fighting him, but it wasn’t her rational mind that was in control. Hell, it wasn’t even she who was in control. Drake was dominant; she was not. He would rule; she would serve. Silently he hammered her pussy, making her come several times before she felt the barbs lengthen and his cock swell as he hooked her flesh and began to pump his release into her, groaning as he did so.