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Virgin Tribute: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance Page 4
Virgin Tribute: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance Read online
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She watched as if in slow motion his other hand grasped her tunic at the neck and ripped it open. Raegan screamed but there was no one to hear. He continued to watch her, his face emotionless save for the glowing eyes. Grasping one side of the torn shirt, he snatched part of it off her body with a great rending sound as it tore down along the back. Tossing it aside, he removed the other side just as swiftly. His eyes glowed more fiercely and when Raegan dared to look at anything other than his face, she saw that his cock was beginning to bob of its own accord. Clearly, he meant to spear her with that formidable weapon.
“No,” she cried.
The Protector said nothing but proceeded to shred her trousers and remove her shoes as she grappled and fought to get away. She managed to land a solid kick close to the large protrusion that she was quite certain would split her asunder were he ever to breach her with it.
“Yes,” he hissed as he reached up and pinched her nipple... hard.
Raegan screamed again but more from frustration than fear or pain. She was horrified to see her other nipple quickly become turgid in the face of his rough handling. He too noticed and smiled. Their eyes locked one to the other as he reached over and grasped her other nipple between his thumb and forefinger and squeezed with the force of a vise clamp.
She could feel her body flush with arousal as the pool of desire swirled in her lower belly and spread downward, engulfing her nether region. She feared he would see and feel her clit throbbing for his touch and her pussy dripping with her need.
The smile on his face told her it was too late; he already knew of her shameful desire.
He reached down and tugged hard on her clit, making her catch her breath and bite her lip to keep from climaxing. He repeated his corrupted form of foreplay, using her nipples and clit as tools to master her body.
“I see they chose well this year. You are unafraid and your body responds well to my fondling.”
“Yes. Any tenderness at my hands will have to be earned. Otherwise I will breed and use you as I see fit with little thought to your comfort or pleasure. Rest assured, I will breed you this night. That luscious cream that threatens to drip down your leg will be used for its intended purpose... to make fucking you easier and more satisfying for me.”
“No,” she whispered, horrified not only at what he planned, but that somehow, she seemed to want him to.
“Yes,” he said, leaning closer to her. “You will beg for my cock before I breach your maidenhead, but first you will learn that you cannot escape me nor can you escape the punishment that trying to do so will earn you.”
He set her on her feet, releasing her arms but snatching up a fistful of her dark, silky hair. He stopped for a moment, lifting her locks to his nose to inhale deeply.
“I like that the hair on your head and that between your legs is soft to the touch. Most nights you will sleep with the remains of my cum drying in it.”
He wound her hair around his fist as he started toward what appeared to be a small enclosure at the top of the Needle. He pressed a button by a sliding door, which opened to reveal an elevator. He stepped inside and hit the button for down. The elevator went down one floor and opened onto a spacious interior that had been converted from what had once been a luxury restaurant.
He dragged her by the nape of her neck and hair past what was obviously his living area and into a large room that housed an enormous bed and a wall of windows. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he pulled her across his lap.
Without another word, his large, hard hand came crashing down across Raegan’s upturned rump. The two slaps Millicent had given her earlier in the day were nothing like this. Those had been mildly annoying; this hurt. The pain radiated out from where his hand struck her bottom and spread heat and sting over the entire area. Raegan had never been subjected to a spanking and didn’t like it. Both the discomfort and the humiliation were unsettling.
“You bastard,” she yelled. “Stop it!”
Raegan kicked her legs trying to get away from him. The Protector quickly trapped them between his own tree trunk-like thighs.
Her initial outrage had been from embarrassment. How dare this brute treat her this way, much less cause her pain? The feeling of indignation was quickly replaced by one of pain as over and over he struck her bottom. She felt each individual impact of his hand.
Raegan was stronger than most of the other women at the Sanctuary. She wasn’t used to being manhandled or not being able to get away from anything she found annoying or hurtful. She found the spanking being inflicted on her to be both.
She continued to swear and screech at him to no avail. The Protector said nothing and continued to mete out the punishment he seemed intent on giving.
“Stop, please,” she cried.
Her angry response to his discipline morphed into a kind of silent stoicism. That refusal to give into tears quickly dissolved and Raegan found herself crying and wondering what she might have to do in order to get him to stop.
“What is your name, tribute?” he demanded.
Raegan refused to speak. She didn’t know that she could trust her voice and was also afraid to say the wrong thing.
“You will learn to do as you are told or suffer the consequences. I will not stop until you offer me your name in penance for your disobedience.”
The silence of the room was shattered by the Protector’s hand descending again and again onto Raegan’s backside. She could feel the heat and pain increasing exponentially as she cried and screamed. Even worse than the pain was that it seemed to amp up her feelings of arousal. Raegan wanted him to stop, but she also wanted him to force the hard shaft she could feel throbbing beneath her deep into her pussy before depositing his seed.
He showed no sign of letting up or lessening the blows to her poor, bruised behind.
“Raegan. Raegan Yesler,” she cried. “Please stop. I told you my name.”
Raegan now sobbed openly, barely able to catch her breath.
The Protector rested his hand on her heated lower cheeks, before nudging her thighs apart. She felt his finger slide past the opening of her pussy as it sought the turgid nubbin between her legs that he had tugged on previously. Raegan now caught her breath, not because she was crying but because the pleasurable sensations radiating out from the button to her core were so intense. She could feel the beginnings of a powerful climax. He removed his hand and swatted her reddened ass twice on each side before putting his hand back between her legs. This time, he probed the opening of her core, delicately slipping a single digit into her cunt. Raegan bucked on his lap, sure that he could give her a release from this exquisite torment.
He chuckled, but this time the sound had genuine amusement in its tone. He continued to delve within her until he encountered the barrier he was seeking. Raegan squirmed and writhed on his lap, trying to rub her clit along the hardened length she could feel contained within his trousers.
The Protector removed his finger and leaned down to whisper, “Does my tribute wish to have her master breach her maidenhead with his cock?”
“Yes, please...”
“Not quite yet,” he said as he removed his hand altogether and spanked her ass an additional five times.
This time as his hand went back between her legs, his finger zeroed in on the cream that dripped from her most feminine place and coated his finger with it, drawing it back up to probe her dark entrance.
“No,” she said, panicking at the thought. Not the thought that it was wrong, but that she wanted desperately to feel some part of him back inside her. She no longer cared where, just so long as he would thrust something in and out of her and provide her with the release of the powerful orgasm lying just beneath the surface.
He deftly massaged her back hole, slipping his finger into her and withdrawing it causing her to once more to race to the edge of her climax before withdrawing his attention. Raegan writhed on his lap in tortured denial and need.
me to breach you with my cock. Beg me to bear witness to my prowess and strength. Beg to be used any way I choose any time I choose. Make me believe that you know your place as my tribute and concubine.”
“Yes, please. Protector...”
“Say it, Raegan. I want to hear you acknowledge your place. If you don’t tell me, I will continue to play with you for the rest of the night, never quite allowing you to reach that pinnacle of pleasure your body is demanding I give it. I will leave you wet and wanting until you break down and beg.”
Trying to stifle her tears of pain, rage, and frustration, she took a deep breath. “Please, Protector, take my maidenhead with your powerful cock. Ruin me for other men. Use me, be it for pleasure or procreation. I am your tribute and your concubine... I am yours to use as you choose.”
“Who are you, Raegan?” he whispered.
She knew what he wanted to hear. “I am the Chosen One given to the Protector as tribute and concubine in exchange for you safeguarding and providing for the people of the Sanctuary. Please, if you want me to say something else, just tell me.”
“Up off my knee, Raegan. Get up onto the bed. Stay on your knees and place your face and your tits on the mattress and spread your legs. I want to see what has been given to me in tribute for my magnanimity in letting your people live another season.”
He turned her loose and Raegan managed to crawl into position. She wasn’t sure which was showing more color—her face from her humiliation, her ass from where he had spanked her so thoroughly, or her pussy as it pulsed for his use.
Raegan heard what she thought was a gravelly purr coming from him as he stood and parted her ass cheeks and stroked downward, stopping to swirl around her back entrance before continuing down to expose her swollen vulva.
“Almost ready to receive my cock,” he said, drawing his hand back and slapping her pussy rapidly and with considerable strength.
Raegan screamed in frustration and pain from the stinging blows. While not as harsh as the strikes made to her bottom, they were fierce and caused a new kind of heat to begin to spread throughout that region of her body. Once more he parted her lower lips and probed her entrance, drawing forth her natural lubricant and coating his cock with it.
Kneeling behind her, he grasped her hips to hold her into place as he thrust forward to her deepest place, shattering her maidenhead as he did so. The pain from the size of his cock breaching her virgin pussy should have left her trying to get away from him. Instead his dominant possession of her made her scream in ecstasy as her body shuddered with a tremendous orgasm. He stayed still, allowing her body to begin to recover.
He drew back and Raegan could feel the barbs along his penis scraping her insides. Raegan cried out. She had expected the pain from his claiming her virginity, but this felt more like the barbs were digging little furrows in her pussy.
“Easy, girl. My barbs will bring pain only before they increase your pleasure and will act to trap my seed, but they will do you no lasting damage.”
The scraping hurt until she felt a rush of endorphins as the barbs imbedded an aphrodisiac-like substance into her channel. She arched her back in primal response to his claiming as he surged forward again. Each time as the tip of his cock hit her cervix, she could feel his cock swelling even larger, driving the barbs deeper into her sacred flesh.
The Protector had seemed to be in complete and utter control, her body merely his plaything. But as he continued to plow her pussy with his mighty staff, his control seemed to be eroding. He grasped her hips harder and drove into her, repeatedly slamming his pelvis into her punished ass. Raegan’s body was rocked by the power of her response to him. She was unprepared for her body’s ability to recover only to begin the process of climaxing again. She moaned as he continued to drive into her, causing her to orgasm repeatedly. It didn’t take long for Raegan to lose herself to the physical sensations he continued to elicit from her and to lose count of how many times she climaxed. At last his cock seemed to have doubled in size inside of her. He rammed into her, sinking his shaft as deep as he could get it and waited for a moment. Raegan could feel the barbs becoming more rigid.
As he dragged himself back, she could feel them bury themselves within her body, locking his cock deep within her. The sensation was painful until she began to feel his cum spurting into her, coating and bathing her scored walls. The Protector didn’t move his hips at all, but she could feel his cock pumping his seed deep into her body. Her sheath began to pulse in time to his release so that it too worked to catch his semen as deeply within her as it could.
When at last he had finished, the barbs seem to release their hold and he withdrew.
“You stay in position until I return for you. Do not make me punish you after you have performed your purpose so well.”
Raegan was quite sure the only way she could have moved would be to have stretched out on her belly or simply fallen over on her side. She heard water running and him returning to her. He reached between her legs with a warm wet cloth and wiped her inner thighs before cleaning his own cock.
He gently pulled back her folds. “You don’t seem to have too much spillage from all the seed I pumped into you. What little escaped your pussy seems to be drying nicely along your vulva and in your short hair,” he said as he fondled her mons. “Let me go wash the blood out of this cloth...”
“Blood?” Raegan asked, suddenly fearful that he had damaged her.
He chuckled and caressed her cheek. “Only from losing your maidenhead. It is to be expected, but I have found that finding it splattered all over her thighs or along my cock can make my tribute fearful of our next coupling.” He reached between her legs and played with her clit for a moment. “You don’t fear our next breeding session, do you, Raegan?”
“No,” she said quietly.
He leaned close to her. “In fact, you are desirous of it, aren’t you?”
Not trusting her voice, she simply nodded.
He kissed her cheek lightly. “As am I. I can’t wait for you to come into heat. It will trigger the rut in me and I will spend night and day breeding you and pumping you full of my seed.”
She shuddered.
“Do not fear, Raegan. I will take care of you, and I have hope that you may be the one. Never before have I claimed my tribute’s maidenhead and been able to have my barbs catch hold while I emptied myself in her during our first session. It is normally only within the grip of the rut that they dig in and prevent me from withdrawing. It’s a good sign. Stay in position. We want to let my seed have time to settle in you.”
He patted her gently between her legs as he left her once again. She could hear him washing the cloth out before he turned out the light in the adjacent bath and in the bedroom, leaving the room without electricity.
The Protector drew the covers back underneath her, lifting her by the pelvis to get them past her knees.
“You can stretch out, but you will stay on your belly and I will put a pillow under you to keep your hips elevated for a while longer.”
Raegan didn’t know what to say so said nothing. She found that being allowed to finally lie down even with the pillow under her hips was not uncomfortable. The fact was that his bed was soft and supported them easily. The Protector lay down beside her and rubbed her back gently until she relaxed and closed her eyes.
The one time Raegan awoke in the night, the pillow had been removed and she was snuggled in the embrace of the Protector. She stared out the wall of windows and watched the stars for the first time in her life before falling back into an exhausted slumber.
Chapter Four
Waking as the sun rose, Raegan realized she was alone. She rolled over on her back but quickly righted herself as her punished backside making contact with even the soft bed was painful. Her bottom wasn’t the only painful part of her anatomy. Every muscle in Raegan’s body ached. Her nipples were tender and the space between her legs was sore. The barbs on the beast’s penis had left her pussy feeling as though he h
ad shredded it. She reasoned that the barbs must have produced some kind of aphrodisiac or something akin to it when they were scraping her insides, but they left nothing behind to deal with the remaining discomfort of having been used by the Protector.
Raegan listened intently and could hear no sound. Gingerly, she rose from the bed and made her way to the bath. It was decadent by Sanctuary standards. Large and well-lit, it contained a deep soaking tub, an enormous shower with numerous showerheads, and a well-appointed vanity and toilet with what Raegan thought might be a bidet attachment.
It took her a few moments to figure out how to turn the shower on, as well as how to adjust the temperature, the water pressure, and which showerheads she wanted to use. It felt like heaven as it pelted over her body. She found body wash as well as shampoo and conditioner. From their scent, she deduced they had been put there for her use as they would be pleasing to her as well as to him. Raegan had not lost sight of the fact that any comfort or pleasantry he provided for her would be to make her more biddable for his own use.
She shut her eyes and tried to block the memories from the night before... not just his treatment of her but her response to it. Everything about it came flooding back—his spanking her, his taking of her virginity, the barbs along his cock raking the walls of her pussy, and his forcing her to admit that she had wanted him the first time and did so again. Who was she trying to fool? Her need had been far past want; she had been desperate for him. She would have said anything, done anything, to experience his use.
It wasn’t just arousal with which he had consumed her; it had been far more primitive and deeply felt than that. Raegan wanted to deny it, but was too honest with herself to do so. She wondered if his breeding with her would always be as dispassionate on his side. While he had not been unkind in its aftermath, there had never been any kind words or caresses. Any fondling he had done had been done roughly and in a way meant to entice her lust to come to the forefront.
She stepped out of the shower and found large, soft, fluffy towels with which to dry herself and her hair. The latter she pulled back and secured with a leather tie she found. She padded back into the bedroom and located a massive walk-in closet and dressing area. There were clothes for her to pick from, most of which from the time before the great plague. There were also shelves and hooks displaying an array of sexual toys, restraints, and punishments. Raegan did not think she wanted to stick around to find out if he had plans to use any of them on her.