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Virgin Tribute: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance Page 7
Virgin Tribute: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance Read online
Page 7
When at last his staff had deposited the full measure of his seed and the barbs retreated so that he could withdraw, he did so. He released her wrist restraints and her arms fell to her sides.
“Remember you are to stay in position until I tell you can move.”
“Are you going to take the plug out of my bottom?”
“No. Not for a while. I gave you great pleasure breeding you tonight. You still need to be mindful that you disobeyed and are being punished.”
Raegan began to cry softly. “Please, Drake. I’m sorry. I really am. I thought I could escape you, but I heard whatever it was that was coming for me before you came to help me.”
“The plug remains, Raegan.”
“Yes, Drake,” she said, stifling her tears.
He rubbed her bottom with what passed for affection from him and strode into the shower. When he returned, he parted her folds and examined her vulva.
“Very nice. You are still swollen and red. I can smell your intoxicating scent mixed with my own, but very little of my seed has spilled out. Your body is accustoming itself to my use quickly and readily.”
Once again, he got a pillow and had her lie on her belly with her pelvis elevated.
Drake stretched out beside her. Raegan watched him intently. He raised his hand and stroked her hair, her neck, and her spine, ending at the small of her back. She all but purred at him, enjoying his gentle touch.
“I’m sorry I made you angry...”
“With as red and swollen as your backside is and that plug in your bottom hole, I’m sure you are.”
“I’m not saying that my ass doesn’t hurt or I like having this thing shoved up inside me, but I’m sorry regardless.”
“Interesting that you seem to be saying that you are continuing to feel the effects of your spanking, but that you are not in pain from the plug. That is good.”
“Why?” she said suspiciously.
“Because it won’t be long before I breach your bottom hole with my cock.”
“The barbs...”
“Will act much as they did in your mouth. There will be a gentle scraping but nothing like when they bind my cock to your pussy while I spend my seed. As you come into estrous, it is important that I use all three of your pleasure holes and leave my cum in each. I will also scent mark you to help keep your endorphins high, so that it is easier for you as I rut.”
“They don’t tell us anything at all about what happens when you are given as tribute.”
“Because I demand a virgin who has not known the touch of another man, I believe they try not to increase your fear or anxiety. The ways of men are unknown to the Chosen One. They think that the knowledge of how I am different from humans, of what I am and what I will try to do to accomplish my goal, is best kept from you.”
“But why are we forced into seclusion?”
“That does not concern me nor should it concern you.”
“Why not?” she asked.
“Because I do not believe you will fail. I believe you will prove capable of bearing my offspring.”
“What would happen to the baby? Would I take it back with me to the Sanctuary?”
“I would never allow my child to live in such squalor.”
“It’s not that bad...”
“If not, then why both times when you escaped did you not try to return? I think you prefer my home, even if it comes with rules and consequences when you break those rules.”
“Will you make me give up my baby?”
He smiled at her and stroked her hair. “No, my concubine. I will seed you with another and another after that and another after that. You will all remain here with me. That is not such a bad fate, is it?”
“It would be a lot better if you’d take this plug out of my ass,” she said lightheartedly.
For the first time Drake laughed... a genuine, mirthful sound that she rather enjoyed.
“I see,” he said. He reached down and slipped the plug from her bottom hole and then rubbed her gently as if to relieve the residual sting. “I will not be as generous should there be a next time.”
“We’re really going to have to discuss your definition of generous.”
“We can do that if you like. But we will do so with the plug reinserted. Would you like to discuss it or just thank me for my magnanimity?”
“I think I’ll accept your definition for now.”
“Good choice. One of the few you have made this day.”
As Drake went to get off the bed, Raegan reached for him. He smiled down at her.
“I’m only going to wash the plug and put it away... hopefully for a long time.”
Raegan blushed and nodded.
“You stay in place,” he admonished her.
Raegan folded her hands under her head and murmured, “Yes, Drake.”
When he returned, she was drowsy but not so drowsy as to miss him once again examining the entrance to her core.
“Very good, Raegan. I do believe you spilled even less this afternoon than last night, and even less tonight.”
He lifted her up gently, putting her pelvic pillow back under the bed and depositing her under the covers.
“I’m coming to bed. I just wanted to get you situated.”
She felt the mattress sag under his weight and then felt him draw her close, so that his body was spooning with hers. He stretched his arm out under his head and the pillow and wrapped the other one around her middle before settling his hand on her mons. Raegan snuggled closer and stretched her arm up to fold her hand into his and place her other one on the one of his resting partially between her legs.
Chapter Seven
Drake slept fitfully. It had been many years since anything had troubled him enough to cause him to lose sleep. The scent of the woman sleeping peacefully beside him was intoxicating and arousing. Even without her in estrous or him within the throes of the rut, he wanted her... repeatedly. His cock stirred as if to remind him that he was the Protector and she the Chosen One. He could choose to fuck her anytime he liked.
He dared to dream that Raegan might truly be the Chosen One, that his seed would finally strike fertile ground and that she would bear him the offspring that could begin to reassert man’s dominance on the global food chain.
His cock pulsed with need. He disengaged from her embrace and got on his knees as he rolled her onto her belly and pulled her hips up. He lined himself up with entrance to her core and woke her by driving his shaft to the depths of her cunt.
The cry she emitted was not one of pain or outrage, but of satisfaction as she climaxed merely from his act of mounting her.
“God, Drake,” she cried, still half asleep as he began plunging to her depths before withdrawing, only to do it again.
Drake said nothing as he continued to piston himself within her. He knew that each contact he made with her punished backside had to hurt, but Raegan was more focused on the pleasure their coupling gave to her. She arched her back and offered him no resistance. He could not remember ever having this great a need for his concubine unless she was in estrous and he was overcome with the rut – even that paled in comparison to what he was experiencing.
Grasping her hips harder, he thrust with greater force and felt the barbs extend and stiffen as she climaxed and the barbs caught her to him as he began to seed her pussy. Emptying the last of his load deep within her, he allowed her a moment to catch her breath before feeling the barbs release and he eased out of her.
Drake moved off the bed and brought her pillow up to put under her hips. He smiled; he hadn’t had to tell her not to move and once he had the pillow in place, she had laid herself down gently.
“Good girl,” he said with approval and smiled as she seemed to preen under his stroking.
He got into bed beside her and drew the covers up over both of them.
“Yes, Raegan?”
p; “What happened? They say that you don’t age. Were you there when the whole world blew apart?”
“It wasn’t that violent or that sudden.” He shook his head. “We thought we were doing something lofty and noble. We thought we could manipulate Mother Nature and make her do our bidding. We were wrong.”
“Tell me,” she urged softly, reaching for his hand.
The gesture touched him in a way nothing had since he had helped bring about the fall of mankind.
“A group of us, scientists and medical researchers, were working together in a think tank outside of Seattle. We had been tasked to use genetic research in order to obliterate a mutation virus that had escaped the lab that created it, and was quickly infecting mankind. It either killed or metamorphosed the vast majority of the world’s population. Only a small fraction of humans, like the ancestors at the Sanctuary, proved to have some kind of natural immunity. Our goal had been to find the genetic link to what made one person immune and another not. We walled ourselves up in our research headquarters arrogantly believing it was impregnable. We were fools, and wrong about so many things.”
“What happened?”
“As the mutant hordes began to ravage what was left of human civilization, we worked day and night to find a cure. What we hadn’t counted on was that most of the mutants didn’t want a cure. Their DNA had been so compromised that they gloried in their new freedoms and strengths. The fact that there was no real rule of law allowed them to do whatever they chose.”
He took a deep breath, trying to shake off the guilt that remained even after all of this time.
“As the mob began to literally beat down the doors to the think tank, we became even more frantic to try and find a way to reverse the genetic plague or at the very least to develop a vaccine that would keep others from having their DNA altered. I thought I’d found it. As the door to my lab began to bow from their onslaught, I felt I had nothing to lose so I injected myself with what I thought would give me enough strength to fight them off and get away. I was sure I had the answer to saving mankind.”
“Oh, my God, Drake. You’re lucky to be alive,” said Raegan.
He wondered at what sounded like true concern in her voice.
He continued, “The serum felt like a wildfire out of control running through my veins. The pain was excruciating. I backed himself into a corner of my lab, crouching on the floor and waiting to die. You can’t imagine the horror I felt as my hands became paws and my limbs became covered in fur. I could actually feel my face morphing and my teeth becoming larger and more razor-like. I could also feel something happening along my back, but I had no idea what it might be.”
She squeezed his hand reassuringly.
“When the horde finally breached the last barrier, what confronted them was not human. Instead, they found the beast—a large saber-toothed cat complete with claws and incisors that could kill in the blink of an eye. They ran from me, but most never got away. I chased them down and ripped them asunder to show my prowess and strength and in revenge for my murdered colleagues.”
“What made you come here?”
“I knew I needed a stronghold—a place where I could live in relative safety and continue my research. I realized the Space Needle offered me an easily converted home. With a bit of reconfiguration, it would be easily defensible by one man. It was already set up with sanitation facilities and a kitchen. The upper deck could be fashioned with solar panels and wind turbines to create the needed electricity, as well as made to accommodate raised beds to produce fruits and vegetables. With Elliott Bay so close, I knew I would be able to find adequate protein sources and could create a desalination system to create potable water from the sea if I couldn’t capture enough rain.”
“How did you handle not being human, or at least, not completely human?”
“Interestingly enough, I found the ability to shift came naturally, although somewhat painfully at first. But the more I practiced, the easier and less torturous it became. Unlike true mutants, I still had the ability to become human and to process complex theories. That wasn’t the most disconcerting part.”
“It wasn’t?” she interrupted.
He shook his head. “No. It was the realization that I had stopped aging. My hair still grew and my bodily functions remained the same for the most part, but nothing about my body seemed to decay.”
“What about your cock?”
He chuckled. “That was a bit disconcerting. I had always been, how shall I say this, well-endowed, but the size and girth became enormous. My guess is that it is part of nature’s way of ensuring the survival of my kind. The barbs that developed along the lower third were a bit of a surprise. The only thing I can figure is that saber-toothed cats are felines and all felines have them. Their purpose as I told you is to score my concubine’s cunt, releasing an essence that will bring her into a more fertile state, trap my seed, and lock her to me as I inseminate her.”
“What do you hope to accomplish?”
“I realized that as new generations were born to the mutants, although their population increases were relatively small, that the altered DNA was compounding upon itself to remain dominant in that species. I came back around to my initial research to see if there wasn’t a way to make humans more resistant to the virus and hopefully someday be able to increase our strength and numbers in order to retake the planet.”
“So, you consider yourself human?”
“For the most part. I’m convinced that if I can combine my DNA with that of a non-affected human, I can produce offspring with a natural immunity to the virus that would be strong enough to beat back the hordes. I located the Sanctuary and proposed a deal. In exchange for my protection from the mutants and provision of a steady protein source, they would give me one woman per year of childbearing age. I bring her here shortly before the season of my rut and breed her repeatedly with the goal of producing children that, through their enhanced and strengthened genetics, may prove to be the key to saving the human race.”
“Do you only breed once a year?”
“Yes, but I have the ability to do so year-round. I’ve found that coupling with a human is not easy on either party. As you have experienced, the barbs at the end of my penis are sharp and when my body is preparing to climax, dig into a female’s vagina as my cock swells and forms a barrier to my semen escaping. They also secrete endorphins and an aphrodisiac that cause me to go into a rut.”
“Do you have any control over that?”
“Not much and not one I have exercised in more than a hundred years. The rut is an overwhelming need to fuck and breed a female repeatedly and often roughly. At first, I had been horrified at my need to dominate and rut with a woman especially when I determined she was fertile, but then I convinced myself it was necessary for my research to continue. At first, I had to use blood tests to confirm when my concubine was in estrous, but as my sense of smell sharpened, I no longer needed a test to confirm it. When the female in my possession is coming into season, I can smell it and that scent fuels my need to rut.”
“Charming,” Raegan said sarcastically but not unkindly.
“I read that many mammals scent mark those they are breeding so that others will know she is taken. I’ve found that ensuring my concubine is filled with my cum not only in her cunt, but in her ass, her belly, and her skin, causes her estrous to be more intense, which increases my need to rut and hopefully increases the chances of conception.”
“Have the others just accepted their lot and not tried to escape?”
“Most have accepted their fate. A few have made an attempt to flee, but you have been the most successful. I prefer not to have to restrain a woman in order to breed her or to keep her from injuring herself. I always had a dominant streak; that became amplified and I’ve found other means to keep my concubine submissive. The use of spankings seemed to be the most successful. Although often painful for several days, it doesn’t do any permanent damage or impede her ability to couple or conc
eive. The side benefit, as you have found, is that it does seem to increase the libido for both parties. It is rare for me not to have a tremendous need to fuck after I have disciplined my concubine and even more so not to find her pussy dripping with her own need.”
Raegan yawned. “Well, no one will ever call you an incurable romantic.”
“No, they won’t.”
He watched as she drifted off to sleep. Up until now, each season’s attempt to impregnate his tribute had failed. For the first time in decades, Drake allowed a small wellspring of hope to flourish. Usually after he’d emptied himself into his concubine, when the barbs softened and released their hold and he could withdraw, much of his cum would spill out. He had, over the years, instituted certain protocols to increase the time his semen would remain in the woman—e.g., keeping her pelvis elevated among others.
While he planned to follow the same procedures with Raegan, her body seemed to retain most of what was deposited into her. He smiled as he remembered her first attempt at oral sex. Granted he had done most of the work, but she had been able to take his invasion of her mouth and the shooting of his sperm into her belly very well. He thought he would enjoy teaching her. He rather doubted she was going to be as amenable to having him fuck her ass or scent mark her, but he believed both were necessary and that while she might resist, his doing so would increase her levels of arousal and also intensify her estrous and ability to conceive. Regardless, Drake found himself looking forward to it.
He removed the pillow from under her hips. She started to stir, and he caressed Raegan’s body to encourage her to relax and settle back into a deep slumber. He found himself smiling at the contented noises she made as she snuggled closer to him.
Chapter Eight
Raegan woke the next morning to the bright sunlight and the feel of Drake’s cock nudging her backside.
“Are you awake, Raegan?”
“Yes,” she said, enjoying his finger tickling her clit. “Hmm, that feels nice.”